Additional Information – Supplements Report

Hey Everyone,

I had received lots of questions regarding supplements, so I thought I’d summarize my recommendations.

Let’s talk supplements. Supplements are there to SUPPLEMENT a good diet and training and make up for nutritional deficiencies or give you a boost in places where you need it. Proper diet, training, and recovery contribute to 99.9% of the progress you can make, and supplements are the cherry on top. They are NEVER EVER necessary, but I do recommend a few as they can help.

Out of all the brands, I’ve found EHPLabs products to be the best quality. If you are finding difficulties hitting your protein intake, try a protein powder supplement. Their Oxywhey and Isopept protein products taste great, mix well, and include enzymes to help with digestion. If you want a vegan protein product, the Blessed protein line is great as well. I also get asked a lot about preworkouts, and I’ve found Pride to be the best. No crash, no jitters, and no uncomfortable itchy feeling that other preworkouts give. Make sure you adjust to your individual caffeine tolerance! For non-stim preworkouts (no caffeine), PSI works great and has ingredients to help with focus and blood flow. On a similar note, I also like to use Oxyshred or Oxyshred Non-Stim as a little early afternoon boost of focus, energy, and appetite suppression. I would only recommend this if you are in a cutting phase. Creatine monohydrate is another great supplement and 5 grams a day will do! I use Crea-8 from EHPLabs, but any creatine monohydrate will work fine. This is one of the most well researched supplements, and it helps with explosiveness, power output, cognitive performance, and even mood. If you want to grab some EHPLabs products, make sure to use my code CP10 for a little discount!

Another study found that almost half of people were deficient in magnesium. Having proper magnesium intake will improve your blood pressure, lipids. Sleep quality, and overall relaxation. Great to take before bed (I use magnesium bisglycinate, easier to absorb, take around 200 mg). This one is especially important if you don’t get much sunlight, but 5000 IU of Vitamin D is always a good idea for hormonal support and mood. The last supplement that I strongly recommend is a fish oil supplement. Fish oil helps immensely with your triglycerides, mood, skin, and lowers inflammation. Aim to get around 1g of EPA/DHA (sorry you have to read the label). Other supplements that I enjoy are ashwaghanda KSM-66 to lower stress, rhodiola rosea to reduce fatigue and improve mood, and curcumin to lower inflammation.

If there are any further questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to me.