The tips that’ll make sure you have a great day, everyday!

I’ve got a few tips for you that I like to implement in my day-to-day life to ensure I’m starting everyday with my best foot forward

Let’s talk about hydration. There’s a misconception that water will hydrate you. And it will to a certain extent. But it doesn’t stop there. Hydration also involves another key component: electrolytes. But first let’s talk about water intake. What’s the proper amount? A rough rule is dividing your bodyweight in half (in lbs) and consuming that many fl oz per day. For me this is 210/2=105 oz of water minimum. 1 gallon (3.75 L) is 128 oz. You need water all day, so ideally divide this up equally throughout your waking hours. Sodium requirements are a bit higher for people who exercise. Around 3-4000 ml per day, and maybe increase that by 1000mg for every hour of exercise.

Morning hydration. You lose a lot of fluid and electrolytes when you sleep. For hydration (AND ENERGY!) boost in the morning, have 500-1000 mg sodium (1/2 tsp) in about 12-16oz of water. The salt loss is actually a big reason why people feel bad when fasted.Pre Workout hydration: Before your workout, 1000mg sodium with 12 oz of water will be helpful for performance. Have around 32 oz (1L) of fluid per hour! Coffee can also affect hydration levels, so if you are a habitual drinker, listen up! You should consume about an extra 24 oz of water (~0.7L) for every 6 cups of coffee, as caffeine can have a diuretic effect

So I recently moved to a nicer part of Chicago, and just a few minutes walking are some of the nicer condo buildings, luxury car dealerships, and nice restaurants. Not that I particularly care for any of those things, but I think surrounding myself in that environment is very motivating to just BE better. Try harder. Is everyone that is more successful than you smarter? Not necessarily. It just takes the will and determination to put in the work to succeed in whatever you want to do. On a similar note, I truly believe you are the product of the 5 people you spend the most time with. So spend your time and choose your environment wisely, it affects you more than you think!

What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? Is it checking social media? Watch one of my workouts? Emails? Roll over and snooze? I think the first thing you do in the morning sets the tone for the rest of the day. If it’s social media, you are priming your brain for quick, useless dopamine spikes in the day. If it is checking email, you may start the day off stressed thinking about work. Start the day on a positive note. Whether it’s listening to a podcast that inspires you, praying, cuddling your significant other (or dog), or just getting some sunshine. Similarly, start the day with small wins. Brush your teeth, make your bed. An organized environment helps mentally through the rest of your day as well!

Thanks for reading through all of this, I hope you’re able to make use of a few of them, especially during the festive season!
Do let me know of any topics you’d like to get my thoughts on.

Thanks as always,